To Let Go
To “let go” does not mean to stop caring others, but to realize that one should not control another.
「放手」不是停止關心他人, 而是了解到自己不能控制別人.
To “let go” does not mean to give up easily, but to know that the outcome is not in my hands.
「放手」不是輕易放棄, 而是知道結果不在自己手中.
To “let go” does not mean to judge people, but to let them be themselves.
「放手」不是評論他人, 而是讓別人做他自己.
To “let go” does not mean to not to complain or argue, but to recognize my own shortcomings and correct them.
「放手」不是抱怨或爭辯, 而是知道自己的缺點, 並願意改正.
To “let go” does not mean to adjust everything to my desires, but to learn to be thankful for every situation.
「放手」不是要事事盡如已意, 而是學習為每個景況心存感激.
To “let go” does not mean to pretend not caring about anything, but to admit that I was hurt and ask for help bravely.
「放手」不是不是假裝什麼都不在乎, 而是承認自己受了傷, 並勇敢的尋求協助.
To “let go” does not mean to be regretful for the past, but to keep going continuously and live for the future.
「放手」不是對過去後悔, 而是繼續前進, 並為將來而活.
To “let go” means to fear less and to love more.
「放手」是少些害怕, 而能夠去愛的更多.
Letting go is not easy, but when you make up your mind to do it, you will learn what true freedom is.
放手並不是件容易的事; 但當你決心放手的時候, 你將夠體會到真正的自由.
Keep an open mind! That’s the way you can learn.
保持心胸開放! 那是你能學習的辦法.
- Jun 29 Mon 2009 12:48
To Let Go(放手)